December 18, 2009

International Study Show Marriage is Good for the Health

Decided on tying the knot? You may be doing more than committing your life to your partner. A recent international study revealed that getting married is positive for the mental health of both men and women, resulting in reduced risks of the likelihood of most mental disorders such as depression, anxiety and substance abuse

The world-first study, led by clinical psychologist Dr. Kate Scott from the University of Otago Wellington - School of Medicine and Health Sciences, was conducted across 15 countries and 34,493 people. It was based on World Health Organization (WHO) mental health surveys across developing and developed countries in the past decade, and published in the UK journal Psychological Medicine.

“One of the more important findings is that in recent years it has been asserted that marriage is better for men than for women in terms of mental health. This study does not agree with that position. We found that compared to never getting married, getting married is good for both men and women in terms of most mental health disorders.” said Dr. Scott in a press statement.

“What our study points to is that the marital relationship offers a lot of mental health benefits for both men and women, and that the distress and disruption associated with ending marriage can make people vulnerable to developing mental disorders”, she added.

The major international study has been funded by the Ministry of Health , Health Research Council and the Alcohol Advisory Council of New Zealand and carried out in association with the WHO, Harvard University and a number of other organizations internationally.

So go ahead and say ‘I do’, not only to your partner-for-life, but to good health and a great life with your loved one.

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University of Otago Press Release. Marriage good news for mental health, but separation and divorce have negative impacts. (Posted December 15, 2009) Retrieved December 15, 2009 from

Philippine Daily Inquirer. (with permission from Agence France-Presse). Marriage is good for the health -- global study. (Posted December 15, 2009) Retrieved December 15, 2009 from

Xinhua News Agency. Marriage good for health – study. (Posted December 15, 2009) Retrieved December 15, 2009 from
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